For any business to succeed and thrive, the need to analyze data and implement strategies based on the results cannot be overlooked. Thanks to modern technologies, obtaining customers’ data is no longer a laborious task.

As per certain studies, almost 86% of customers are ready and willing to pay more to get an excellent customer experience in return. Such statistics and more have resulted in the sky-rocketed importance of data.

Whether you are tracking your visitors on the website or are keeping a track of your email success rates, know that all of these strategies and techniques can result in a satisfying output.

However, there is a substantial chance that you might be restricting your analyzing behavior to certain digital marketing methods. Are you? If you just nodded yes to this question, then you are in dire need to adopt something new and organic, so that you can achieve your desired results with optimum results.

Call tracking is one of the methods that can help you comprehend not just the online, but downright offline marketing methods as well. So, being a business person, why should you be investing in a call tracking system? Let’s find out here.

Advantages of Call Tracking System:

  • Establish A Connection Between Phone Calls and Website Visitors:

Without having an appropriate call tracking system, it could be extremely difficult for you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Of course, there is a variety of analytics that you can use to measure online conversions.

However, do you have a backup for the people who directly call you instead of sitting in front of the system and filling up a long online form? After all, the ones who are too time-conscious would prefer talking to you one-on-one instead of having virtual communication.

Although it may differ as per the business domains; however, it is the case with almost every other industry. For example, in the healthcare industry, approximately 88% of people book appointments on the phone.

Likewise, 75% of people also buy insurance by calling the agent. In such a scenario, with a call tracking system, your phone calls will not get buried under translation. Furthermore, by tracking phone calls, you can even get a complete picture of your online success rate.

  • Recording Calls for Precious Feedback:

With call recording, you can obtain valuable feedback regarding your employees as well as the services or products that you are providing. To begin with, recording conversations allows you to identify qualified leads and invest more time with the ones who have higher chances of conversion.

Secondly, recording calls helps you listen to the conversation so that you can offer customized feedback to your employees. This way, you will know exactly what is happening when your customers are calling and how your employees are handling them.

You can use the same information to optimize your marketing campaigns as well.

  • Analyzing Over Return on Investment:

Undeniably, web analytics makes it quite easy to figure out the ROI of your online efforts. Additionally, it is much easier when you have an array of tools in your hand. But, is there a way to precisely measure the offline efforts?

With call tracking, this becomes possible as you can have a dependable way to track offline marketing campaigns. This helps you not just place a tracking number in commercials, but flyers and other traditional advertising outlets as well.

This, in turn, enables you to track how successful your efforts are. And therefore, you will have a better idea of what kind of campaigns are generating the best ROI for your business and which ones should be dropped off.

  • The Attribution of Multichannel:

The ability to track the entire journey of a customer is nothing less than revolutionary, isn’t it?  And, combining the same with multi-channel attribution, you get to see every touchpoint that is compelling enough for your customer to make a phone call, thus, facilitating you to get a better understanding of your target audience.

Generally, with basic analytics, you could only see the source from where a visitor is coming to your website. However, multi-channel attribution lets you know about customer behavior as well, making it easy to optimize future campaigns.

  • Making it Easier to Serve Multiple Geographical Locations:

With dynamic number integration and call tracking, you can even provide local numbers to people who are based in an area or a country where they are searching your website from. The type of advantages that a local number can provide is immense.

For a moment, imagine that people are flowing in your website from different cities. Having a toll free number on the website may turn them off, because apparently, they may think that it will redirect them to a call center, where they would have to wait for hours to get a resolution to their problem.

Keeping this in mind, by giving them a local number, which is different for every city, you can send positive signals to your audience and can increase the call leads along with the conversion rate.

  • Analyzing and Scoring for Call Quality:

Call scoring has always been one of the important aspects for marketers. There are several such circumstances when your clients may want a better understanding of the call quality and can even defy you on the reported calls.

During these conversations, having call scoring data is quite helpful. Earlier, call scoring was only restricted to such marketers and brands that came with huge budgets and big-ticket items.

However, with advancements in machine learning and voice recognition, a variety of call tracking companies have started investing in automated calls scoring technologies that turn out to be effective in nature.


While running a business, there are definitely innumerable factors that you get to pay attention to. While the online strategies are covered with analytic tools, the offline is tackled by call tracking. So, whether you are handling a large organization or are working on small business, call tracking can help you substantially.

To learn more about Ziwo Call tracking please Click Here

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