
Unlimited Callers on Hold

No need for multiple phone lines as your callers will be held on hold until your phone becomes available to receive the next call. No more missed calls or the hassle of managing multiple lines!

Callers on hold

Please hold, we will transfer your call. Simply!

Setting up service-level standards will empower your company to utilize metrics more efficiently.

Receive Multiple Calls at Once

Call Stacking allows you to receive multiple calls at the same time, even if you run your business from a single phone.

Never miss an Incoming call

Our industry leading software ensures that you can manage multiple calls at once. Calls will be stacked in queues so that your callers wait on hold until your team is available to answer.

Music on Hold & Promotions

Hold music is a great way to help keep your callers waiting on hold, and ZIWO comes with a default on hold music list, also you can always upload your own music/ audio.

Join hundreds of companies that are willing to talk to their clients. Simply.

Cloud telephony and call center software deployed instantly

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