The unprecedented outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has had staggering and far-reaching effects on all facets of human life. With several businesses having to halt work for an indefinite time, professionals are now face-to-face with a modern problem: how to efficiently keep the business and work running during quarantine? For a huge number of individuals who own businesses, the remote work culture and the idea of virtual agents remain alien and unexplored. Thanks to the pandemic, they are now paddling in unknown waters when it comes to making the best use of tech, to accelerate their business growth while consistently meeting client-demands when working remotely.

But as the saying goes, modern problems require modern solutions. This is where the importance of virtual agents becomes a highlight. A virtual agent is a remote working human contact center and customer service agent or executive. Now, individuals who want to set up businesses can take the help of
cloud-based platforms like ZIWO, which effectively connects virtual and real agents and helps companies address and communicate with clients from any part of the world.

Who are Virtual Agents and how can they help individuals to set up their businesses?

Virtual agents are remote professionals who are geographically dispersed across the world. They usually work as human contact center and call center customer service agents who mostly work towards addressing and solving customer queries.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught companies across the country the importance of relying on the services of remote workers to keep the business running smoothly. Virtual agents are extremely helpful when individuals want to set up a new business. Because they work remotely, they contribute towards cutting down operational costs of the business. There is no need for a physical working space or maintenance costs. Additionally, by focusing on seemingly minute tasks such as answering calls, coordinating calls between supervisors and clients and so on, they not only accelerate the smooth functioning of a newly set up individual business, but also build up its rapport with important clientele.

From answering customer queries, and fixing important appointments, to connecting with important business partners and finding out any information, virtual agents monitor several important factors. They can thus contribute significantly towards setting up a business. Post the pandemic, both business-owners and clients would have experienced the benefits of a hassle-free virtual agent service. More and more entrepreneurs would look forward to working with virtual agents to set up businesses that provide irreplaceable products and services even when functioning remotely.

How does ZIWO help your business in the current situation?

With the outbreak of the pandemic, there has been an evident slowdown in the functioning of companies throughout the country. Mostly so, because not many businesses have yet made the jump to integrating and relying on virtual agents.

With ZIWO, entrepreneurs can avoid this mistake, and set up their businesses on a cloud platform. On ZIWO, professionals can easily transcend the physical boundaries of a workspace, and work remotely. ZIWO is a cloud call center platform where any business can hire real and virtual agents and communicate
with its clients in several ways, especially through a secure virtual phone framework.

On ZIWO, both real and virtual agents can connect from anywhere in the world. So, even in a situation that requires employees to be quarantined in their homes, employees don’t face any inconvenience to coordinate their work. They can connect through a virtual phone number provided by ZIWO in every country and can ensure the continuity of the sales cycle. In case any business prefers using features like cloud PBX and VOIP service for comprehensive management, ZIWO covers every corner of the process. These features are well-integrated into its platform.

ZIWO has different apps at its disposal that help employees in new businesses to coordinate. The platform has recently launched the admin mobile app and plans to launch another app for agents as well. Incoming calls from customers and clients are swiftly forwarded to the agents’ mobile number. Agents can thus receive calls and address and solve queries without being physically present in the office premises.

What are the several features that ZIWO provides to help a business?

Now is the time to go big and go virtual. No matter how small or big the business, it can use the innovative and updated features on ZIWO in different teams such as sales, marketing, development, customer support etc. Here are a few advantages of using ZIWO:

● Makes communication simple and easy

ZIWO simplifies and optimizes the entire call process, by using the web RTC interface. Be it agents, admins or supervisors, every professional can use the platform confidently and easily. The platform also provides features such as voicemail, call forwarding, call recording and the option to integrate the platform to companies’ CRM to monitor workflow and gather statistics. ZIWO also has a sip calling facility. What is sip calling? It i s one of the most used services by any business. Through this, businesses can easily provide instant messaging services along with easy video conferencing.

● Can be tailored to meet companies’ specific needs

Each individual business can use the features on ZIWO to meet its unique needs. For instance, the customizable dashboard allows any business to create its own statistics and keep them organized. It can thus serve all kinds of contact centers.

● Makes valuable Customer Care Service possible

Even when stuck at home, virtual agents can disseminate valuable customer care service. Agents can queue calls depending on different parameters such as service, the language of the customer etc. Agents can also reroute calls to voicemails or IVR. Phone numbers can be filtered and added to VIP List or Blacklist, according to need.

● Provides Toll-Free or Premium Numbers

ZIWO provides a virtual phone number over which real and virtual agents and admins can connect and communicate effectively. These numbers are available for every country and are toll-free.

● World-Class Security

One of the biggest challenges which crop up when setting up a virtually connected business is the guarantee of security for its sensitive and confidential data. On ZIWO, all data is secure and protected through SSL technology.

● Valuable data insights

The cloud platform provides a set of seven widgets which can give admins and supervisors important data insights about agent work and performance. For instance, insights regarding agent shifts, agent time split in each status, agent numbers, capacity in terms of percentage of answered calls vs the number of
logged-in agents, and First call resolution are available on the platform.


virtual agents

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed a glaring truth of our times: it has now become imperative for all businesses to have a virtual base. Integrating and employing virtual agents is one of the key steps towards achieving a smooth functioning business, with valuable customer and client relations. On cloud call center platforms like ZIWO, new businesses can effortlessly hire virtual agents and witness steady growth in their client base over time.

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